Monday, September 29, 2008

Going with the Flow

After my session with my swim coach Wendy, I decided to buy a new wetsuit. She thought maybe my old one was too small. So, I was on my way to the Springs and Helen suggested I try Criterium Bike Shop where they were selling the last year's rental suits at clearance prices. For $150, I got a new wetsuit, a size larger, in perfect condition.

Saturday, Guy and I went to the lake. We suited up. I could breathe. We bobbed into the water to get used to the cold. After a few minutes, I was able to swim freestyle almost all the way to the bouy (well, actually, I think it's an inflatable swim platform). Then I swam back. Then I did it all over again.

I'd like to think it's about a half mile to that bouy. But I know in reality, it's probably more like 200 meters. And maybe that's not such a long swim but to do it without anxiety in the lake is HUGE.

So today I decided to back up that experience with a "distance" workout. I got to the pool at 5:50 and by 6:35 was finishing up my first 2000 yards. After about 3 minutes rest, I did another 1000 in about 23 minutes.

I felt myself gliding through the water. I felt the Power of the catch. I got out satisfied with my workout and hungry.

Alexis informs me I can no longer use the phrase "I can't swim."

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