Thursday, May 8, 2008

of History and the Present

I am currently listening to Bill Bryson’s “A Short History of Nearly Everything.” It is the history of scientific exploration into whom and/or what we are, how we got here, where ‘here’ is, and how tenuous our grasp may be. It is probably the most fascinating thing I’ve ever heard.

Nothing I have ever heard or read from science or religion has made me so amazed nor made me consider how incredible it is that we exist at all. Every minute of this work reminds me what a fantastic and complex world we live in. It also reminds me to appreciate, savor, and be amazed at every second we have.

In looking at the history of the universe in this time-lapse view, I am struck by the ridiculousness and arrogance of humans to think we are so important that we could cause global warming and that we could somehow fix it. And I am also encouraged that so many people would dedicate their life’s work to working for the betterment of the planet whether or not it is an achievable goal.

When I think of it from this perspective, I have to ask myself what part of this experience of existance to I appreciate the most and what does it mean to me. And surprisingly, only one word comes to mind… Love.

If I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, or even in a minute, what would matter to me the most is that the people I love would know with absolute certainty that they were loved. I don’t know why that means so much to me but it does. Perhaps that is a universal thing… or nearly so… since what I know of world religions (apparent foundations for people’s functioning/beliefs) includes Love as the basic principle that guides everything.

Maybe this means so much to me because today was a virtual love-fest. I saw many people today who expressed gratitude and love to me for the last 4-5 years of listening, looking, and caring that I have given to them.

Whatever the reason (if there is one) that we are here on this tiny planet in this vast, expanding universe… which is at once incredibly fragile and fierce… I am thrilled to experience this moment.

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