Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Right Decisions

I recently made a decision to change my life. Not a little change, more like 52 pickup with everything in my world. Well, not quite everything...

Obviously, big changes like this aren't easy to make. There are new unknowns and a lot of knowns you leave behind that you will miss. The only certainty in change is that it will be different. Everything else remains to be seen. The adventure and the excitement at something wonderful overwhelms any inertia.

Sometimes when you make a decision, you walk tentatively toward the future wondering what it will hold. At other times, you walk boldly in the direction of the new and the now with confidence.

And then there are times like now. Times when you look back with a combination of a wistful glance and a "gee I hope THAT stays behind me!" Times when that bold walk , or even excited run toward the future, is accompanied by a gale force wind behind you making it obvious that your decision is not only right, it is imperative.

In getting my things together and starting to prepare, purge, and pack, I found an old friend. His name is Wellington. He was the first teddy bear I ever had. A gift in high school from my best friend who couldn't believe I'd never had a bear. For 5 years, Wellington has patiently waited on the windowsill in my office to be noticed again. It is as if he is ready for another adventure with me. He's another funny little sign of what is right in my world.

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