Sunday, January 20, 2008

What the world needs is.... frosting

A wise man I know once said, “If you are going to have a pity party, bake a cake and invite friends. When the cake is gone, the party is over. Get on with your life.”

Last week was a particularly crappy week. See post below for partial details. There were other things too, but they are no longer important, the party is over.

When I’m in a funk the worst possible thing for me to do is to stay home and wallow in it. The best thing for me to do is to spend time with Guy. The next best is to spend time with many friends. So, I stacked the cards in my favor and drove into the mountains (see earlier post on “you can’t have the blues if”).

After spending a couple hours by myself … well, with a cat who would have nothing to do with me… Guy picked me up to go meet some friends. An evening together playing with friends was just what I needed. Stack that on this morning getting in a run on the slopes with him and then meeting other dear friends for some skiing at Breckenridge and the party was long forgotten.

On the way home, I was reminded of my pity party. It seems some of the icing from the cake was strewn all the way up along my route. Everything was coated in thick, white, creaminess that looked like you could run a finger through it and have a tasty treat. The world was covered in fluff. The sky was brilliant blue with lavender around the edges. Elk and bison looked like sprinkles in the fields along the highway. I dare say they wouldn’t be too tasty as is though.

As the sun went down in the crystal clear sky, the twilight deepened and the full moon brightened. The world looks a lot different today… who needs cake.

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