Thursday, January 3, 2008

Starting the year with gratitude

We all get cheesy emails about how some people come and go and others change our lives forever. What appeals so much about them is the truth behind them.

2008 is a year of change for me. I guess every year is and/or has been. But this year there are many changes in the works. A new city, a new home, a new job. The deepening of an incredible love. New sports, new challenges.

In this process of transition I am thinking of the people I will leave behind. Perhaps not entirely behind but they will carry over into my life in a different way. Much like my move from Texas to Colorado where my friendships stayed strong but the interaction was different. There will be those changes with only a two-hour distance.

I will miss being able to stop by Ken and Colleen’s for a glass of wine just because a bottle is open and they have warm hugs. I will miss calling Alexis and getting her to stop by to take leftovers off my hands. But I will welcome exploring new trails with Ken and Colleen. I will welcome sharing tales of medical school with Alexis when she moves to Denver.

Then there are the other people who have come to mean so much to me. The people who come to me every day with their trials and triumphs, their pain and recovery, their dying and their new life. The most elegant woman I have ever known and her incredible mother will mean much to me always. The lovely lady who shares Maxine cartoons with me and the one who is still looking for a new laugh partner. I will miss them too. I will miss the families with their teenage drama and the ones with ambition and fire. I will miss my little ones who have healed from so much and the new ones who have barely tasted life.

Tonight I am composing a letter to those who have allowed me to care. From those who have frustrated me with sickness and neuroses to those who have invoked the deepest of love and compassion. Some have required me to remind myself over and over that they are children of God despite the fact that they didn’t know it themselves. And some have reminded me that there is good in me too.

I am grateful to every one of these people. I am grateful that they have shared their lives and have allowed me to hold that part of them in my hands and heart to nurture the life and health in them. I am thankful for every hug, every smile, and every bit of healing. I am thankful for the little ones who have given me high-fives and the ones who growl when they love you.

The best part of being a doctor is the people who heal you with their trust and belief in you.

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