Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Inspiration

John Morelock wrote something beautiful (again) today about Spring. It inspired me. I have gotten in a few outdoor runs despite the last throes of winter... but mostly time on the dreadmill and in the pool. By the time summer comes I should be prime for getting one of those boring speedo tans while lake swimming. No bikini lines for me.

Winter is a jealous mistress
She tosses her anger when Spring comes to visit
In ugly fits of ice and rage
The wind encourages her with chattering gossip
Rattling bony branches
Under her darkened brow

Winter watches as we remove our clothes for Spring
We bare our legs and arms to the sun
And our soles to the clearing trails
We are giddy with the perfume of Spring
And the promise of renewal
All the while, she plots her revenge

Our infidelity to her frigid presence
Is rewarded with frost and glare
She forces us to cover ourselves again and again
Until we exhaust her
And she cries herself to sleep
Soaking spring rain


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