Monday, July 14, 2008

It takes all kinds

It's an interesting world we live in. For many years I've heard, "it takes all kinds" in tones ranging from amusement to amazement to disgust. But the reality is, it does take all kinds.

I'm trying to buy a home. Goodness knows, if I had to do all that wheeling and dealing with lenders and financing BS, I'd be a screaming mimi (apologies to Mimis everywhere). I'm sick today. In keeping with "physician heal thyself," I'm laying on the sofa drinking juice and intermittently putting ice on my sinuses. I also went to see my PT and friend Serene for a cranial treatment. And then I stopped by Starbucks to have the neighborhood barista make an icey slush to ice my brain from the inside.

It takes all kinds. Without all these different people, my day would have come to a screeching halt or might not have gotten started at all. And I've barely touched the surface of all the people I've worked with today in the short time I've been out of my living room.

I got an email from a friend inviting me to her husband's birthday party. This gave me a chance to ask her about the cancer I'd heard she had. She told me the story. Her cancer was curable and came with a gift, a closeness to her family and appreciation for life she didn't have before.

My neighbors are severely burned. They were injured in separate incidents. One accidental and one intentional. When I walk by their house the only thing I notice is all the love... the love for each other, the love they pour out to all their friends (luckily myself included), and the love grown into the huge sunflowers and tiny roses blooming all over the yard. Tucked between the swiss chard and beet tops there are no weeds, only love. and then there are the strawberries ripening on the bush... "that's the one we planted for the neighbors to eat..." I realized the other day that I see their scars less and less every day. What I see is their smiles, their happiness, and their will to live.

And here I am, sitting in my rental house in Colorado.... waiting to move into a lovely little house with the love of my life. When my life is a hurricane, he is the peace at the eye of the storm. So blessed every day with a chance to help people feel just a little better or have hope about what they are facing. Blessed by great friends and good times. Blessed by all kinds, and just enough chaos to remind me to appreciate it.

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