Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Book Worm

It's that time of the month again... that time when I get a little crabby and barely leave the sofa. No, not THAT time of the month, the reading time. Once a month I have a meeting that involves a lot of preparation. Volumes of reading... to the tune of 2000+ pages this month.

The first "packet" included a 600 page packet and a 1260 pg packet. Just as I was finishing the last couple hundred, another package arrived via UPS with another 360 pages. Ouch!

So, the Bean Cycle gets another night of me being parked on their sofa.

So last night, I noticed there was a new display of art work. It looked like a high school art class did a lot of india ink drawings. There were numerous distorted faces and a few animals. One pretty good cat was in the middle. The sofas were taken so I grabbed a worn out chair in the "pit" grouping in the middle of the place. I dug out my materials and then sat back an looked at the "art" work.

Just in front of me, in all its "glory" was the very hairy rear end of a man from the waist down and it was obvious that in front of him was a woman... you get the idea. I was shocked, to say the least. The next picture was a bunch of nudies around a cat in a cage. And a 3rd "colorful shower" so to speak. Suddenly I suspected it wasn't a high school art class. Weird.

I'm not sure if that put me in the right frame of mind for my reading but it was an amusing moment. I think I'll go to Everyday Joe's not-for-profit coffee bar tonight to read after my run. It's safer there. I'm skipping 2 for 1 burgers (veggie too) and $2 microbrew pints at the Trailhead to read this other packet. Sheesh! I'm dedicated.

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