Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Winter is nigh upon us
and the wind whistles at the door
as if to say
stay in where it's warm

Only the brave and foolish venture out
the rest of us
huddle behind steamy cups
and under fleecy hats

We are called to come play
to warm ourselves
by the fire within our spirit
and the friction
of sinew against bone

We are taunted by the crisp light
of stars
brighter against the blackness of cold
and the crunch and clatter of leaves
skittering across the trail

When we overcome the fatness of comfort
and layer ourselves into our shoes
the giddy ground rises and falls beneath us
pulling us onward
toward adventure

Tomorrow the trail may be hidden in snow
The rocks may be iced with treachery
But there will be another chance to run
away from winter
and another reason
for thanks giving

Lisa B

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